Thursday, February 23, 2012

Big Don'ts

The world of social media can be extremely confusing. Although it may seem simple, many companies that are successful in every other way have failed when it comes to correctly harnessing the power that this type of marketing can have. It is possible to learn from the mistakes of others and to apply that knowledge to your own situation when making the foray into social media. In order to guide you through this exciting platform, here is a list of 10 big donts in social media marketing, which will allow you to reach a high level of success.

Do no take the power of online networking lightly. It can have a tremendous effect on your company and you need to make sure that everyone is aware of the risks. What can seem like a small campaign could suddenly explode into a worldwide viral campaign, and it is important that you have the necessary tools needed to handle any situation that may occur.

Do not join irrelevant sites. Keep your audience in mind and choose the sites that they are most likely to frequent. Never ignore the feedback from your audience. It is important for you to learn from every comment that is made, and respond in a timely fashion to show your dedication to your audience. After all, without them, you would not be successful.

Do not lose focus of your own campaign. It can be tempting to suddenly change directions due to something that a competitor is doing, but every move that is made needs to be thoroughly planned and thought out, with all the possible risks analyzed.

Do not annoy your audience. Frequent updates that contain useless information will quickly stop your followers from subscribing to your updates. Never trick your audience. Your reputation could fall instantly and it is important to stick to high standards when it comes to truth and honesty, as this will really matter to your customers when it comes to brand loyalty. Do not make guarantees that are untrue. This will result in a loss of trust from your existing customers, which will be quickly seen and taken into account by any potential new ones.

Never underestimate your blog. You can use your blog to initiate discussions and conversations, and encourage feedback and participation from people all over the world. Do not ignore new channels that may open. Social media could encourage you to explore unknown areas that could be hugely beneficial to your business.

Do not stop until you have accomplished your goals. It is important to keep going until the end in order to fully utilize the positive aspects of social media. With the correct understanding of this powerful new platform, your new online marketing campaign could reach people in a way that you could never have imagined.

Learn more about what social media and internet marketing training can do for your business. Review Crushers specializes in social media marketing in Virginia and provides a variety of marketing services worldwide. Contact me today for a free consultation!

Manohar Mattu

Always with you